Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Day 31: So, Is Your Nest Less Stressed?

Just joining in?  Read the entire series {HERE}.

On the last post of the series, I wanted to recap the month and review all of the ways that we can be less stressed.

As usual, I got all ambitious thinking I could do tons of projects this month, start amazing routines that will keep my house stress-free, get ready for the holidays......

I did get lots done and wrote posts that inspired me and hopefully, you, too, to have less stressed  nests.

I realized as I was writing many of these posts that I already know how to be less stressed.  I posted about taking care of myself, not letting small stuff get to me, and how stress can be a blessing.

On the project front, I organized our white cupboards in the basement,  including creating a delightful space for all of my crafting-n-creating gear:

organizing my gift wrap supplies:

the kids school pictures, awards, and special papers:

and transforming our old computer armoire into game and movie storage.

I also listed and talked about how creating routines in your house can really help reduce stress, rushing, and make you and your family feel more calm.  Things like developing evening routines, making little to-do lists,  prioritizing tasks, and combining errands are all tasks I'm working on becoming more a part of my daily life.

With the holidays coming up crazy-soon, I shared ways you can start thinking about the holidays.  I truly had intended to be able to do more posts on this topic, but time got away from me.....instead, November will be more dedicated to some posts about this topic.  

Thanks for joining in my 31 Days Series!  I am proud of myself and all of the other bloggers who made it to the finish line!  Woo Hoo!


  1. You have kept so busy Nicky! Thanks for All of your inspiration, you have inspired me to keep going and don't give up! I especially love your washi tape labels ;)

  2. You did it! A post every day for 31 days - wow! You rock girl! Thanks for sharing your great organizing and decorating ideas. You deserve an organizing break now! : )

    Thrifty Decor Mom

  3. Congrats on achieving your goal!!

  4. I'm going to have to go back and read your other posts - you last one looks like you've been busy! Doing a series last year killed me, and I'm SOOO happy to have said no (to myself) this year. Does that sound awful and selfish? :)
