Thursday, December 6, 2012

DIY Christmas Decor-Part 1

Geez, I had totally meant to be able to get right back on the wagon and post all-week-long but life got in the way.  Or, should I say, more headaches and being 2 weeks behind on my schoolwork got in the way.  Ick.  I have fun things to show you but have not even had a chance to take pictures, let alone post about them!  I leave in the morning for work before it is light and when I come home, I hit the ground running to be a full-time mommy, wife, and domestic goddess. HA!

I was able to take a few pics the other day on a little project my hubby and I did.  You may remember my easy-sprayed-glittered snowflakes that the kids helped me with a while back?  I used those,  red ornaments in 2 sizes and types that I had on hand already, and some red and white baker's twine I  bought at Target last month.  I hung the snowflakes and red balls across the curtain rod that is on our front window in our dining room and voila! fun and festive look for very little cost and effort!  {tip on using baker's twine:  mine kept order to stop it from fraying at the ends, dab a little white or craft glue at the end and it will harden clear and not fray!  woo hoo!}  Isn't it cute?  I love how it turned out!

Could you guess that the "table runner" on this table is wrapping paper from Target's dollar section? Score!

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Centsational Girl
Hi, Sugarplum!

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  1. This is such a cute idea! I have been trying to come up with ideas on how to hang ornaments infront of my kitchrn winfiw! Now I know how!! Thanks for the inspiration Nicky! I hope you feel better.

  2. Beautifull window !!!!! I like it. thank you for sharing, I'm working in Christmas decoration, felt stars, new buildings for my "Belem" (I don't know how to call it in English" I think in a few days I will have a post to show you all this work

  3. Haha! I love that! I bought the same chevron paper at the dollar section at Target! :D You have great taste ;)
    Seriously though, love this. It's not super crazy time consuming, but still makes a big Christmasy impact. Love!
    Thanks for sharing!
    Found ya via the link up at Hi Sugarplum!

  4. Cute and creative!!! I put some ornaments on my window and i love does my family!!! Easy and fun for the entire family!!


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