Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Color Splash

Who loves color?  Me! Me!  Certain colors make my heart go pitter-patter.  They make me smile and can brighten my mood.  Recently I was in our local grocery store getting a few necessities and stopped in my tracks when I saw this pitcher.  WHOA.  Love this color!  It was part of a display that had many beautiful plates and dishes on it,  so great that I could have bought them all.  Now our grocery store is called a "Marketplace" so they do have some nice home goods, but this tops anything I've seen there!    I am a total sucker for pitchers and especially ones that look like old pottery.  Then, while happily strolling my pitcher around in the cart,  (what did I come in for again?) I whizzed by the floral department and saw these amazing orange-colored tulips.  I knew they were the perfect lucky flowers to go in my new pitcher.  SCORE!  I couldn't wait to go home and put the two together.   Here is the happy little scene on my kitchen table:

Sorry about cutting off the top of the tulip--they wouldn't hold still while being photographed.

Here they are posing at another angle.  Like my curtains in the background?  They are faves of mine from World Market--love that store!  I have that print in some other places in my house that I will soon show you.  One more view of these beauties:

Yes, I purposely bought the colors because I knew they matched my curtains.  You know you've done it too.  :)


  1. Your table looks much prettier than mine....I have a half dead planter on it and a Jade plant that isn't so lucky. Your taste and talent with floral stuff has always been tops! Good job.

  2. The chairs are a nice contrast with the new paint color! Love the orange in the drapes and flowers!

  3. Hi Nicky, I was looking around blogland and happened upon your blog. I wanted to tell you how pretty your dining room is with the colorful curtains. How nice to have tulips that match perfectly. In case you don't know about Your Cozy Home Party, let me invite you to join us on Mon. at 8 pm. We share anything that makes a cozy home. Just remember to link back to my blog and you will be set to go. Hope you can come.-------------- Shannon

  4. I love tulips!

    Random question. You know that peanut butter cookie recipe you emailed me? The easiest one ever? Have you published it on your blog? I was going to make it with my kids this afternoon, (which I will still do), but didn't want to write it up (with FULL credit, of course) if you'd already written it. I'll just link to your post, since I'm expecting them to be amazing, rock my world, and be my new no-time-go-to-dessert:)

    oh- btw, you are a no-reply commenter. Just go to your blogger profile and check the box that lets people see your email address so we can write back to your comments directly!
